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Adolescent Neglect

Research into neglect has focused on children, whilst scant research has explored the impact of neglect on adolescents.  This is a critical issue as research suggests the impact is greater on adolescence than younger children, and its rates are increasing.  However, assessing and identifying neglect in young people is more difficult.   It presents social workers with the challenge of separating what is increased autonomy in the young person and what is neglect that may endanger them. 


This course will provide a detailed over view of adolescent development and the shifting parental role.  Using this as a basis, it will examine the four main sources of neglect and the impact this can have on young people.  It will look at key issues in assessment regarding signs of risk and offer practitioners a clear cut-off point for when neglect becomes critical.


Who is This Course for?

This course is for those working in safeguarding or supporting young people at risk.  As such it will be helpful for social workers, teachers, those in the youth criminal justice system, family workers, those working with young people at risk of sexual exploitation and related fields such as substance misuse and mental health.


Also Available to be Delivered Online?


Yes, Zoom based integration


Course Length


1 day (9.30-4.30)

Max Number of Attendees 



Resources Required

Flipchart stand and paper

Method of Delivery 


The training course is highly interactive, even during presentations. It uses a wide variety of learning approaches including presentations, pairs and small group work exercises and self-assessment.  The course is also supported with free e-learning and further resources to re-cap, review and refresh learning. 


Course Aims and Objectives:

To equip those working with young people to make informed assessment of risk posed to young people through neglect and respond appropriately.

By the end of the course participants will have had opportunities to: 


  • Describe the key drivers of adolescent development

  • Identify the shifting role of parents across adolescence

  • Understand how the four key areas of neglect impact on the developmental needs of young people

  • Identify when adolescent neglect becomes critical to a young person’s wellbeing.


"Everything-managed to enable me to "join up" other methods and theories I used in my work."

Leaving Care Personal Advisor


""Yes, loved it.  So useful if you work with teenagers and parents."

Preventative Caseholder

"Everything!  Phil makes it realistic. Really good.  Will recommend to others"

Social Work Student

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