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Phil Harris

I have carried out a number of research studies in the field of substance misuse and mental health. These include:
Service and treatment system evaluations
Literature reviews
Desktop reviews
Needs analysis
Guidance papers
Training strategies
This work is often linked to the continued development of services I have designed. Here are some samples of treatment evaluation studies I have undertaken. Please contact me to discuss any research or evaluation needs.
An Evaluation of Novel Services for Opiate Users: A review based on quarterly reports from 2009-2011. Phil Harris
The Complexity Index (Revised) Measuring Young Peoples Substance Related Needs and Trajectories of Change Phil Harris
Choices: A Review of a Developmentally Informed Substance Misuse Treatment System for Young People (May 2011-Dec 2012). Phil Harris
Evaluation of the DAFS Service. Phil Harris
PACT Group Work Pilot: Outcomes 2010. Phil Harris
Changes in social policy now require greater focus on measuring client outcomes. However, outcome tools are not well understood. This has led to the adoption of many clinical tools that are not validated. Without validation, the data these tools produce is highly questionable. As commissioning decisions are often made on this information, getting accurate data is vital. Here is a brief guide to outcome tools and the validation process.
Outcome Tools: A Brief Guide on Measuring Outcomes. Phil Harris.
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