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It's a rough time for healthcare payers in the US with tightening federal and state regulations, cost and time pressures and having to make do with decesion maker email list outdated IT systems that fail to deliver modern technology benefits. With the emergence of Health Insurance Exchanges (HIE) that allow customers to shop for their healthcare payer, it only gets decesion maker email list tougher for the insurance industry against heightened competition. Though many payers have latched on to mobility solutions, it's more of a "me too" bid. Predictably, the decesion maker email list solutions have failed to gain traction with customers owing to unfriendly user interfaces, poor user experience,
low performance or lack of relevance. What's needed is an enterprise mobility plan that's guided by a strong mobile strategy. Enterprise mobility decesion maker email list solutions have the proven potential to create operational efficiencies within payer organizations, drive solution adoption across users for higher satisfaction and customer delight, enhance patient provider decesion maker email list communication, save money, and support innovative sales and marketing approaches. Let's find out how. Enterprise mobility solutions can enhance operational decesion maker email list workflows by enabling employees to work on the go.
This results in faster claim processing, authentication checks, and risk assessments. Personnel can quickly pull up a consumer's health plan on their iPad or decesion maker email list other mobile device, verify virtual ID cards, view claim history and upload information to a patient's claim record in real time. The approval cycle can be significantly decesion maker email list shortened. Mobility solutions can offer cost-effective, easy-to-use alternatives to reduce the high administrative load of manual claim processing. According to a Health Edge survey, payers have to manually decesion maker email list adjudicate 40 percent or more of their claims because of obsolete technology systems.