Phil Harris
Babies Know When You Are Faking It
Paradox: Seeing the Up When Down
Emotion, Language and Persuasion
How to Overcome Embarrassment: More Third Person Perspective Research
The Smell of Power: Disgust and Voting Patterns
Have I Told You My Deja Vu Joke? That Strange Feeling Explained.
Infidelity: Key Predictors Identified
Willpower: Is it all in the mind?
Collaboration Beats Punishments
The Anatomy of Psychopathic Tendencies Found?
Emotions Mapped: Try the Interactive Simulation
Why You Should Never Apologise
Why is Yawning Contagious?
Male and Female Brains Differ: Suggests Largest Brain Scan Project Ever.
Third Person Perspective Reduces Anxiety
LSD: A Treatment for Mental Health Disorder?
Why People are Convinced Their Right Even When They are Wrong
Love and Lust: The Eyes Have It
Synchronicity: The Deep Impact of Communication
Are You an Ant or Grasshoper? Decision Making Styles Examined